I made this zine of doodles i did at work.
for trade or a dollar and shipping.
im really happy with it.
here a few excerpts from the original copies so they are totally at of order...
except the front and back cover right here.
so busy.
GF still on hold.
other stuff in the works.
in an art show.
opens tonight.
ill be doing a performance for the closing.
if you wade through the beige, you'll find my piece. UNCOMMON KNOWLEDGE
Good news!
Im going to start taking submissions for the next Gut Feeling!
Im going to try and release it by the end of next month so get your submissions in soon so i can start working on it!
Havent updated in a while...
Im not sure if i will continue making Gut Feeling but i have some ideas for zines that i hope to make in the near future. A lack of funds and my computer getting stolen in march has led me down this path.
Instead i have been focusing on making art and music.
If you're interested in checking out what ive done since the last gut feeling i suggest looking at my other blog.
...and so i present OURSINS